Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Who could've guessed ...

Shocker No. 1: 
I have recently (after years of contemplation and procrastination) started working out at the gym (at my new place)

Shocker No. 2:
Today was my third visit and much to my surprise, I am starting to enjoy the sweating like a pig work out sessions. 

Shocker No. 3:
To regular people, 10 km might have been a piece of cake but to a lazy bum like me, it signifies a small lil' form of achievement. Both mentally and physically. On a serious note, trust me when I say lazy, really lazy!! Yes, few months ago, there was the 'once in a blue moon' hillwalks at a park near my house with my fellow buddies ...BUT... Erm, honestly, I was actually more motivated by the scrumptious breakfast sessions after hillwalks .. Oops!!  *blushes*  My first attempt of a workout session at the gym in my condo merely lasted 15 mins - 10 mins of cycling and 5 mins of huffing and puffing (not to mention, almost fainting *Shhhhhh*). Ended up playing at the playground instead *LOL*.

Normally, whenever anyone mentions the word "EXERCISE", my first response would be, " Nah!! Only a sucker would waste their time smelling like a pig. I'd rather take a nap or procrastinate at home." Yep! That was the old, pain in the arse, slacker me. 

Lesson learnt, nothing is impossible when you believe in yourself! This is what they call, The Power of the Mind. Totally agree with this statement! I certainly deserve a kick in the arse for that shallow thinking of mine previously. 

And the aim is to achieve a body like Victoria Secret models ...

                                                                            * Photo credits :*                                                                

Lol, who am I kidding, right? Any sane girl in this world would literally kill for flat tummy, toned abs, thighs and wherever necessary and bet the word cellulite never exists in these angel's dictionaries. Btw, sometimes a bit of daydreaming is allowed, huh? 

Anyways, I just thought that it's a good way to de-stress after a hectic day at work. *winks*

P/S: Exercise is good! *thumbs up*


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