Wednesday, January 20, 2010

post-travelling exhaustion..

All the travelling is finally coming to a halt, em, wait! Soon, I hope!! .. Another wedding (ex-colleague's) to attend this Sat, in Seremban. And final trip down south (for work, this time) to settle off whatever pending before I call the quits. Am definitely counting the days and checking my bank a/c constantly. Once the $ is in, I am tendering. *fingers crossed* OOooohh..can't wait!!!

Btw, red alert!! The dangerously low figures in my bank account is making me super grouchy and paranoid. Will the accounts department please add in more efficiency in processing the claims and incentives ASAP!!!

I am still deprived of sleep despite my constant attempts to recuperate. Went back to Seremban yesterday in the evening to attend the duo celebration - my niece's full moon + cousin's birthday. Highlight of the night - being attacked by relatives with the question " When are you getting married? When's your turn?" ..*pffffttttt* My first reaction was to ask them to bugger off and leave me alone BUT of course, I can't do that. Did it mentally though..Hmpphh!! Whatever!! Our family's 'lil princess was asleep most of the time 'coz apparently, she spent the whole day awake. But she was so cute when she slept. She woke up in time for the cake cutting session. She's a definite cutey!

The duo celebration was held at one of the chinese restaurants in Seremban, Lucky Palace. And the thing that pisses me most about chinese restaurants is the service, especially this particular restaurant. They had the cheeks to switch off the lights while we were still in the restaurant, leaving us in dark while we were collecting the leftover cakes and wines. Wtf? How can they do that? I understand that they are closing but this is a hell of a way to kick your customers out, right? No more second time for us. No brainers!! Bloody cina-bengs + lians .. We are definitely not going back again.

Gotta grab some beauty sleep now.. Guten nacht!! (Goodnight in German) ..

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