Monday, June 21, 2010

Today is a good day !!

After a few weeks of hard work, shoulder aches and dramas (trust me! you don't want to go through this!!) etc, I have officially launched the much anticipated webshop of mine, Chaos this afternoon. Hopefully the response will be good!  *fingers crossed*

Career wise, I have applied for a few jobs last week (yes! finally ...), erm ... or should I say, my friends (love them to bits!!!) have helped me submit my cv to their companies for current vacancies available. Waiting for them to call me up for interview anytime soon now ..  Sigh!! Guess it's back to routine work again and goodbye to funployment! *sobsob* Till that happens, I better enjoy the rest of my unemployed and carefree days to the max!!!

*Excuse me for the crooked fingers! Borned that way ;P *

Oh! And before I forget ... Above is the pic of my new crystal UV gel nails with camouflage prints - became my frennie's model for her nail course examination last Friday. Thank god her hard work and efforts (plus, my 3 4 hours of back aching nail session) was not wasted. She passed with flying colors!!  

I must admit, the nails do look pretty edgy but it can be a hassle having super long nails. Especially when it comes to lifting heavy stuff, or doing chores, it kinda gets in the way. I guess these type of nails are more appropriate for the rich housewifes (with maids to do everything for them) or superstars. *lol* 

Note: The original cost for this crystal UV gel nails to be done is estimated at RM300 (for 10 fingers).

Gonna have them removed on Thurs or Fri maybe, and undergo another nail-modeling session. French manicures this time!! Frennie, R, requested for me to become her model again in July for a competition. Oh well!! No idea how things are gonna be like next month. Hopefully I'll get some calls (interviews) soon. Pray for me, ya?

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