Friday, July 16, 2010

Are you living your Dream? Or just living your life? ...

Borrowed this from W .. The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. A compelling modern-day parable about the story of Ordinary, Dream Giver, Land of Familiar, Nobodies, Comfort Zone, Border Bullies, WasteLand, Sanctuary, Champion Buddy, Giants and Land of Promise.

Basically, it's all about the journey one goes through to pursue the big dream. Whether you stay in the course or not, it all depends on you. Learning to overcome fears and comfort zone, having courage and learning to have faith. Truly enlightening and inspiring.

*** I quote from the book, Ordinary Meets Bullies in the BorderLand : -

Ordinary was speechless and bewildered. He'd heard a rumour about Border Bullies. But he supposed that it were true, Bullies would be Nobodies he didn't know. He never imagined they'd be sme of the Nobodies who knew him best (his Mother, Uncle and Best Friend).

In his journal he wrote that night, "I met Bullies at the BorderLand - they were Nobodies I knew! When I left Familiar, it upset the Comfort Zone of those close to me. They felt like they were losing something important. Eventhough my Bullies tried to stop me, some of their concerns will help me. I couldn't sway all my Bullies. In the end, I had to decide who I would please. I chose to please the Dream Giver."

The 'Dream Giver' in this case is actually your dreams. It dawned upon me that it is very true because whenever you do something out of the ordinary, many will comment and criticize (Border Bullies). They try to change your minds by feeding you negativity. Only few will support your decision and these are called 'Champion Buddies' (according to the book).  And you would be surprise that the 'Border Bullies' are those close to you, parents, relatives, best friend.. So whether you continue to pursue your dreams, it all relies deeply on your courage, faith and wisdom. 

Never ever let anyone step in the way of achieving your dreams!!!

This is by far, one of my most inspiring reads!!

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