Thursday, January 28, 2010

feelings ~

I just realized that certain feelings that have been pent up inside you for so long, can NEVER be eliminated. It will forever pop up constantly, no matter how hard you try not to succumb into it. The more you push it away, the more it'll come back to haunt you.

So, how do you overcome it? With no disguise whatsoever, let it be, welcome it and overcome it! No fear! This time, be smarter..*evil smile* Let your creativity shine! Basically, this is to prevent it from emerging again and again, haunting you from time to time.

Have you ever heard of this saying 'Will the best man wins!' ? That's how it is in this world, it's all about survival, revenge and mindset in this 'dog-eat-dog' world. Another one of the facts that we need to accept in this harsh, harsh reality.

One thing I've learnt, think with your brains and never act harshly. Allow yourself to be angry for ONLY a minute. After that, chill and think of ways how to turn things around (in other words, revenge). Back in the past, I've been too naive, always acting harshly with a temper of the devil in me. Looking back, it did me no good.

Regret much? Slightly, some things could've been handled in a more subtle manner and the end result would've been wayyy different. But, never ever let yourself succumb too much into regrets. I've learnt my lesson. The devil in me is emerging BUT this time, with a level of maturity, more calmness (working hard to instill more of this in me - my 2010 new years resolution), thinking with the brains instead of the heart, being evil but appear innocent. Plenty of room for improvement. I reckon, it's never too late if you have the will to change!!

In case you're curious to know what I have up my sleeves, *shush* it's a secret!! ...*fingers crossed* ..

Gota grab some beauty sleep now. Need more rest to think wisely. Hola!! Nitez ~


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